"Moulin Rouge!" is a vibrant and passionate musical drama directed by Baz Luhrmann. Set in the Montmartre Quarter of Paris, France, during the Belle Époque at the turn of the 20th century, the film tells the story of a young English poet/writer, Christian, who falls in love with the star of the Moulin Rouge, cabaret actress and courtesan Satine.
Plot Summary
Christian moves to the Montmartre district of Paris to become a writer among members of the city's bohemian subculture. He soon becomes involved in a venture to produce a play at the famed Moulin Rouge nightclub.
As he develops the show, he becomes enamored with Satine, the club's star performer. However, Satine is promised to a wealthy and jealous duke, who's funding the production. The film delves into the complexities of love, art, and commerce, culminating in a tragic love story between Christian and Satine.
Cast and Crew
Main Cast:
- Ewan McGregor as Christian
- Nicole Kidman as Satine
- Richard Roxburgh as The Duke
- Jim Broadbent as Harold Zidler
- Baz Luhrmann
- Baz Luhrmann
- Craig Pearce
Where to Stream
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Production Details
Filming Locations:
While the movie is set in Paris, most of the film was shot at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia. Some scenes were filmed on location in Paris to capture the essence of the city.
Budget and Box Office:
The film had an estimated budget of $50 million. It was a commercial success, grossing over $179 million worldwide.
Critical Reception:
"Moulin Rouge!" received widespread acclaim from critics, particularly for its innovative approach to the musical genre, its visual aesthetics, and the performances of its lead actors, especially Nicole Kidman. The film's blending of contemporary music with a historical setting was noted as groundbreaking.
Audience Reception:
Audiences were captivated by the film's unique style, with many praising its emotional depth, engaging storyline, and memorable musical numbers. The soundtrack, featuring songs like "Come What May" and renditions of popular tracks like "Your Song" and "Roxanne," became particularly popular.
Awards and Nominations:
"Moulin Rouge!" was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress for Nicole Kidman. It won two: Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. The film also received numerous other awards and nominations from various film festivals and award ceremonies around the world.
This post provides a concise overview of "Moulin Rouge! (2001)." For those interested in delving deeper into the film's nuances, themes, and behind-the-scenes details, further exploration is recommended.